Disability and the Digital
Conversations Across Sociology, Cultural Studies and Disability Studies Event Dates CO-OPTING AI: QUEER Co-opting AI: QueerAPRIL 7TH 202212-1 PM EST | 6 – 7 PM CEST | 7 – 8 PM TRT QUESTIONING SMART URBAN MOBILITY APRIL 28TH 202212-1 PM EST | 6 – 7 PM CEST | 7 – 8 PM TRT REFUSAL AND
Proclaiming Disability Arts
New York University’s Center for Disability Studies is pleased to announce a major book and community engagement project, Proclaiming Disability Arts, directed by Simi Linton, along with Co-Principal Investigator Mara Mills. Proclaiming Disability Arts builds on this moment in Disability Arts, mapping histories and engaging its meaning, impact, and transformative potential throughout the art worlds.
Announcing Our 2021-2022 Visiting Scholars
The NYU Center for Disability Studies is pleased to announce our Visiting Scholars for 2021-2022 Indyara de Araujo Morais is a Fulbright Fellow from Brazil, part of the Ph.D. program in Public Health at the University of Brasilia. Her research is on the Brazilian Functional Index, which was built based on the International Classification of
Welcome NYU CDS RA Destiny Lopez
The NYU Center for Disability Studies is pleased to welcome Destiny as our 2021-2022 Center RA. Welcome to Destiny Lopez, the NYU Center for Disability Studies RA for 2021-2022. Destiny is a Multimedia Storyteller and advocate for accessible and inclusive media. She holds both a Master of Arts (’20) and a Bachelor of Science (’16)
NSF Standard Grant for Disability Expertise and Design Justice for Post-COVID Equity
The NYU Center for Disability Studies has received a National Science Foundation Standard Grant for the project, “Disability Expertise and Design Justice for Post-COVID Equity.” The $618,490 grant–awarded to Principal Investigator Mara Mills, and co-PIs Faye Ginsburg and Rayna Rapp–will support the Disability COVID Chronicles, which will analyze the lives of disabled and chronically ill
NYU CDS Media Highlights
We wish the NYU CDS community a happy new year! Here we reflect back on some highlights from 2020: Our last in-person event in February–a conversation between filmmaker Sini Anderson, writer Amy Berkowitz, and CDS’s Emily Lim Rogers–is now available as a transcript. Berkowitz also reflected on her experience with accessible spaces and literary events