News & Announcements:
Disability Summer School Awards
The Council for the Study of Disability, the GSAS Dean’s Office, and the Steinhardt Professional Development Fund have awarded grants to three NYU graduate students to attend a disability arts residency and summer school at UC Irvine in June 2012:
Art Inclusion: Disability, Design, Curation is co-organized by Mara Mills, assistant professor in the department of Media, Culture, and Communication. From a strong pool of applications, the following graduate students were selected to attend:
Jessica Feldman; Media, Culture, and Communication
Ian Hetherington; Cinema Studies
Leon Hilton; Performance Studies
Events of Interest:
Excessibility Guidelines
How to facilitate and how to impede the sex lives of people with severe disabilities in two very contrasting welfare states.
Excessibility Guidelines with Don Kulick @ NYU, 726 Broadway, 5th floor, Room 542
Friday, May 4th, 3 PM to 5 PM
Kulick is author/editor of:
- Fat: The Anthropology of an Obsession
- Language and Sexuality
- Travesti: Sex, Gender and Culture among Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes
- Taboo: Sex, Identity, and Erotic Subjectivity in Anthropological Fieldwork
Photo ID required to enter the building.
Followed by wine and cheese reception.
This is a presentation and discussion only: no pre-circulated paper.
Presented by the Psyences Project
The Sprout Film Festival 2012
Located at The Met: Friday, April 27th – Sunday April 29th
We invite you to experience film and video related to the field of developmental disabilities. People with developmental disabilities as subjects and performers remain marginalized in the media. The Sprout Film Festival aims to raise their profile by showcasing works of all genres featuring this population
Council for the Study of Disability Events
Thursday, March 22nd, 6:30 PM to 8 PM.
Emily Perl Kingsley
19 University Place, first floor theater
Ms. Kingsley, a renowned & pioneering activist and television writer, will speak about her experiences getting kids with disabilities onto American TV, beginning with Sesame St in the 1970s and later with breakthrough shows such as Kids Like These in the 1970s.
Moderator: Lynne McVeigh
Co-sponsor: Council for exceptional Children
Wednesday, March 7th, 2012, 5 PM to 6:30 PM.
How To Put Your Brain On The Internet: Lessons From A Cyborg
Michael Chorost
Payne Room, 4th Floor Pless Hall
Dr. Michael Chorost, neurotechnology specialist, is author of Rebuilt: How Becoming Part computer Made Me More Human. Deaf since 2001, he hears with two cochlear implants.
Moderator: Mara Mills, Dept Media, Culture and Communication
Co-sponsors: The Department of Media, Culture and Communication
Wednesday, February 15th, 6:15 PM to 8 PM
Screening Disabilities in a Digital Age
Faye Ginsburg, NYU Anthropology, Center for Media, Culture & History
Department of Cinema Studies, 721 Broadway, 6th floor, Michelson Theater
How are current cultural innovations in the screen presence of people with disabilities helping us rethink the cultural parameters of humanity?
Sponsor: Dept. of Cinema Studies
SCREENING at Bellevue
Monday, February 13th 5:30 PM to 7:15 PM
Bellevue Hospital, 462 1st Ave, Alumni Hall B
Set in finland’s Kelloski Psychiatric Hospital, this award-winning feature transforms the hospital world, demanding the patients be treated with respect.
Discussion: Donald Goff, MD, Vice Chair of Psychiatry, NYU, Director, Nathan Kline Institute
John Sackel and Richard Lau, Bellevue CDOP Video Stories in Recovery Therapy Group
Moderator: Helena Hansen
Co-sponsors: Masters Scholars program in medical humanism, NYU Medical Humanities, NYU Department of Psychiatry
Friday February 10th, 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Defining Beauty: Ms. Wheelchair America
(2011, Alexis Ostrander, 78 min.)
Department of Cinema Studies, 721 Broadway, 6th floor, Michelson Theater
This documentary offers new perspectives on beauty through the stories five contestants.
Discussion: Rick Guidotti, Positive exposure Xian Horn, NYU’s Initiative for Women with Disabilities
Co-sponsors: Center for Media, Culture & History, Depts of Anthropology & Cinema Studies
February 4th to 9th, 2012
4th Annual NY Disabilities Film Festival in multiple locations through New York